K-ON! is an ongoing Japanese four-panel comic strip manga about four female teenagers who after starting high school come together to join their school’s light music or popular music club in order to save it from being abolished due to the lack of members. The four girls are Yui – an easily distracted bundle of energy who plays lead guitar, Mio – the very cute but shy lefthander who plays bass guitar, Ritsu – the club president with energy levels rivaling Yui’s who plays the Drums and Tsumugi – a dumb but filthy rich blonde that cooks very well and plays the keyboard.
K-ON! is an average series that is not worth your time if you are not interested int his type of anime or have better things to watch. I did like the animation, overall production values and the opening and closing themes but I can’t help but say this series underperformed. Hopefully things will get better in a future season, I am already imagining what will happen when the girls discover something called “boys”.
It's Yui Hirasawa's first year in high school, and she's eagerly searching for a club to join. At the same time, Ritsu Tainaka, a drummer, and her friend Mio Akiyama, a bass player, are desperately trying to save the school's light music club, which is about to be disbanded due to lack of members. They manage to recruit Tsumugi Kotobuki to play the keyboard, meaning they only need one more member to get the club running again. Yui joins, thinking it will be an easy experience for her to play the castanets, the only instrument she knows. However, the other members think their new addition is actually a guitar prodigy...
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